User Manual For The Lingmo Device One2one

Remember the Babel Fish in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, the fish you popped into your ear to translate any language? Well, now it's here.

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User Manual For The Lingmo Device One2one Store

Lingmo International is a cloud-based language translation and voice recognition software company designed specifically to benefit Enterprise. Connect with foreign speaking customers cross border. Built leveraging AI technology to contextually and accurately translate text and spoken phrases in Realtime. Translate One2One are earpieces that allows users to communicate between two languages. To use the Translation One2One translation service, insert a MICRO SIM card into the primary earpiece, select Lingmo Earpiece App to open the translation program. Select Voice to Voice, select the Translation. Jun 29, 2017 The Lingmo Translate One2One is the latest “universal translators” that promises to translate, in near-real time, without needing WiFi or Bluetooth.

Okay, it's not actually a fish. And only one part of it goes into your lughole. But the Translate One2One from Lingmo is a real device that can convert languages in real time (with a three to five second delay).

It currently works with English, Japanese, French, Italian, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, German and Chinese, translating one to another. There is a catch. both speakers need to be wearing one. However, it will understand the nuances of local slang and dialects.

User Manual For The Lingmo Device One2one Center

Its AI will also understand contextual speech, translating them into sentences the recipient will recognise.

User Manual For The Lingmo Device One2one Download

The Translate One2One is powered by IBM Watson's Natural language Processor and Language Translation APIs. It is a standalone product, so doesn't required connection to a smartphone or other external device through Bluetooth or Wi-Fi.

The device is available for purchase now and will ship in July. It is priced at $179 (£142) for one unit, although two are needed for translation between different people, so a 'travel pack' containing a pair of devices comes at a discount, costing $229.

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User Manual For The Lingmo Device One2one School

Google has also been reported in the past to be working on a 'Babel Fish' device, although nothing much has been heard about the project for the last couple of years.