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(Promulgated as No. 276 Decree of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China on Janauary 4, 2000; revised and approved at the 39th Executive Meeting of the State Council on February 12, 2014) Chapter I General Rules. These Regulations are formulated in order to protect the safety. Service manual and user’s manual in Chinese 5. Nameplate and warnings in Chinese 6. Other necessary documents. This new system consists of Regulations for Compulsory Product Certification, Regulations for Compulsory Product Certification Mark, and the First Catalogue of Products. A compulsory product certification system with the aim protecting consumer’s security through the supervision of products concerning health, hygiene, security, environment and anti-fraud.

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Chinese History: A New Manual, Fifth Edition (2018)
AuthorEndymion Porter Wilkinson
CountryUnited States
PublisherEndymion Wilkinson
Media typePrint
Preceded byPreliminary edition: The History of Imperial China: A Research Guide (1973); 1st edition: Chinese History: A Manual (1998); 2nd edition: Chinese History: A Manual, Revised and enlarged (2000); 3rd edition: Chinese History: A New Manual (2012); 4th edition (2015)

Chinese History: A New Manual (Chinese: 中國歷史新手册; pinyin: Zhōngguó lìshǐ xīn shǒucè), written by Endymion Wilkinson, is an encyclopedic guide to Sinology and Chinese history. The New Manual lists and describes published, excavated, artifactual, and archival sources from pre-history to the twenty-first century, as well as selected up-to-date scholarship in Chinese, Japanese, and Western languages. Detailed annotations evaluate reference and research tools and outline the 25 ancillary disciplines required for the study of Chinese history. Introductions to each of the 76 chapters and interspersed short essays give encyclopedic and often witty summaries of major topics for specialists and general readers, as well as directives on the uses of history and avoidance of error in thought and analysis. The New Manual received the Prix Stanislas Julien for 2014.[1]


Since its first appearance in a preliminary version in 1973, Wilkinson’s manual has been continuously in print (selling on average 700 copies a year). During this time it has grown from 70,000 words to its current size of 1,302 pages and over 1.6 million words (the equivalent of twelve monographs of 400 pages apiece).

The author has kept it up to date by issuing numerous revised editions, each enlarging its scope. But perhaps a more fundamental reason for its continued success (to judge from readers’ comments on is that the manual has established itself as more than an exercise in Quellenkritik (source criticism) by posing original questions and summarizing issues.

  • 2The Fifth edition (2018)


In an interview with Carla Nappi, an historian of China at the University of British Columbia, Wilkinson discussed his experience in the field and the book's background. He became interested in China as an undergraduate at Cambridge University in the early 1960s, then spent two years teaching English in Beijing up to the outbreak of the Cultural Revolution. He earned a PhD from Princeton University with a dissertation on late Qing dynasty markets and prices, but when he began teaching he still felt unprepared. He did not know, he recalled, what to tell his graduate students about the Zhou or Shang dynasties, about which he felt his knowledge would hardly 'fill an eye bath.' On a research fellowship at Harvard University, Wilkinson mentioned to John Fairbank, a senior Harvard scholar, that he was gathering notes on Chinese history. Fairbank offered to publish them, and the 1973 Research Guide appeared in due course.[2]

Wilkinson served in Beijing as the European Union Ambassador to China from 1994 to 2001, and in his spare moments turned the 1973 Research Guide into the first and second editions of the manual. After he retired from the EU in 2001, Harvard invited him to teach Chinese history, including a graduate seminar on sinological methods. From then on he worked on the New Manual, commuting between Harvard and Peking University (where he was a visiting professor). In this way he was able to make full use of the Harvard-Yenching Library as well as all the scholarly resources that Beijing has to offer.[2]

The preliminary version of the manual (1973) was published by Harvard's East Asia Research Center. From 1998 until 2015 all editions were published by the Harvard University Asia Center for the Harvard-Yenching Institute and distributed by Harvard University Press. The fourth edition was also published in Chinese and sold 11,500 copies in the first year (2016-2017). Starting with the Fifth edition (2018), Wilkinson decided as an experiment in lowering the sales price of the English edition to publish it himself and distribute it exclusively on Amazon. The fifth edition was also published digitally (on the Pleco platform, in November 2017).

The Fifth edition (2018)[edit]


The author explains in the Preface the principal aims of the Fifth edition as being to introduce:

1. The different types of transmitted, excavated, archival, artifactual, and ecofactual primary sources from prehistory to 1949 (and in some cases to the present). Accordingly, it examines the context in which these sources were produced, preserved, and received, as well as the problems of research and interpretation associated with them;

2. The ancillary disciplines required for the study of Chinese history from prehistory to 1949 (and in many cases up to the present), including archeology, astronomy, bibliography, chronology and calendrics, codicology, diplomatics, epigraphy, genealogy, historical geography, historical linguistics, numismatics, onomastics, paleography, prosopography, sigillography, statistics, textual criticism, topography, transcription, translation strategies, and special branches of study such as oracle-bone script, bamboo and silk books, Dunhuang, Qingshuijiang, and Huizhou documents or the Ming-Qing archives;

3. The key secondary sources on questions of current focus and controversy in Chinese historical studies;

4. The latest electronic resources to disseminate, sort, and analyze Chinese historical data.

In addition to the four principal aims, the Fifth edition also has five subsidiary objectives (5–9), the ninth of which has not featured in previously editions:

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5. To provide a sense of change over time and therefore to avoid anachronistic, ahistorical interpretations of China’s past. This is easily done because the scope of the New Manual is the whole sweep of Chinese recorded history, in the course of which long-term changes are readily apparent.

6. To supply readers who are familiar with one period a springboard into others with which they are less familiar.

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7. To profile the strengths and weaknesses of Chinese historiographical traditions because (i) of the central role that the writing of history played (and continues to play) in Chinese politics and culture and (ii) to a greater extent than is commonly realized, historians rely on works produced in the old historiographical traditions, even though they may ask different questions and use different conceptual frameworks.

8. To provide English translations of key Chinese terms.

9. To illustrate the instinct of Chinese publishers to censor anything they think might contradict the official Party line on Chinese history. This is achieved by underlining in green some 30 or so examples of censorship in the Chinese translation of the manual published in 2016.[3] Most of the censored passages (and no attempt was made to show them all) are in one of four categories: (i) anything that might indicate that top CCP leaders are less than infallibly correct at all times. For example, in a discussion of political slogans Wilkinson mentions that during a meeting with Li Xiannian in 1979, the Vice Premier underlined the importance of the Four Modernizations but was unable to recall more than the first three (page 302). The paragraphs recounting this episode have been erased. Equally unacceptable to the censor were comparisons of CCP-era practices with rituals and procedures characteristic of imperial China. For example, in a discussion of flattering imperial honorific titles (zunhao 尊號) bestowed upon China’s emperors during their lifetimes, the author remarked that “zunhao” (in scare quotes) reappeared with the personality cult of Mao Zedong at the start of the Cultural Revolution (his was 20 characters long: 伟大的导师, 伟大的领袖, 伟大的统帅, 伟大的舵手(Great Teacher, Great Leader, Great Commander, Great Helmsman). The paragraph was scrubbed (page 288); (2) anything touching border issues even if this meant deleting a passage from a historical source that contradicts the current CCP line while retaining a passage from the same source that supports it (page 203). Even the author's correct observation that the History of the Ming (1745), the official history of the dynasty, places Taiwan in the section reserved for foreign countries was deleted (page 953); (3) anything showing Chinese people making fun of propaganda slogans (page 302); (4) any statistical estimate that differs from official statistics on sensitive issues was simply suppressed. For example, the number of people who died of starvation during the Great Chinese Famine (page 542).[4]

Content & Structure[edit]

The Fifth edition updates, expands, and corrects the fourth edition (2015). Some 12,000 primary and secondary sources, reference works, journals, book chapters, journal articles, and 246 databases are introduced in the course of the discussion (compared to 9,800 in the fourth edition; 8,800 in the third edition; 4,000 in the second edition (2000); and 2,900 in the first edition (1998). Of the 12,000 resources roughly one-third are primary sources (almost all Chinese) and two-thirds secondary sources (mainly monographs in Chinese and English, about equally divided between the two, and over 800 works in Japanese and other languages). Roughly 1,500 scholarly articles and book chapters are cited (mostly in English but also in Chinese, Japanese and other languages). A few hundred book reviews that make a substantial contribution are noted.[5]

Even while updating the content and presentation of the Fifth edition Wilkinson thought it wise to facilitate navigation (for readers of previous editions) by maintaining the basic structure of the manual which as before comprises 14 book-length parts subdivided into a total of 76 chapters. In other words, it is a case of new wine in old bottles. Books 1–9 present the sources by subject: (1) Language; (2) People; (3) Geography and the Environment; (4) Governing and Educating; (5) Ideas and Beliefs, Literature, and the Fine Arts; (6) Agriculture, Food, and Drink; (7) Technology and Science; (8) Trade; and (9) Historiography. Books 10–12 present pre-history and the sources chronologically by dynasty or group of dynasties (sources for the first half of the twentieth century are in book 13). Book 14 is on the history of the book in China and historical bibliography.[6]

Boxes & Tables[edit]

The main text of the manual is interspersed with 125 boxes (each providing further details on specific topics) and 152 tables (mainly consisting of lists or statistical data). Boxed topics range from guanhua jokes to the influence of images of the Buddha on the depiction of Confucius; from the board game Struggling to advance in officialdom to the speed of Chinese armies and fleets; from the connections between height and power to marching in step; from tomes in tombs to tomb robbers; from why women would have spoken with much thicker dialect accents than their brothers, to an analysis of duplicate biographies in the Histories. One series of boxes takes on the origins, history, and nature of Chinese characters. Another series gives a rundown on social history, such as coming of age and age at death. The tables include obvious data such as the dynasties of China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam or the contents of major sources or reference works but also less obvious subjects from statistical analyses of the gender breakdown in the first four Histories or the amount of repetition in the Siku Quanshu to tables of extremely large and extremely small numbers; from ancient zodiacs to phases of the moon; from nautical units of measure to details of promulgated and actual weights and measures in different periods; from changes in book classification schemes (Han dynasty to the present) to changes in personal naming systems from the Zhou dynasty to the present; from the lexical influence of textiles to the size of steppe armies.

Changes in Typography[edit]

Overall the changes to the Fifth edition were so extensive (amounting to 130 pages of new material) that the manual had to be redesigned. The decision was made easier because one of the criticisms (especially from older readers) was that the light-weight typefaces used in previous English editions were difficult to read. Accordingly, three changes were made to the design of the Fifth edition: (1) light-weight fonts have been replaced with regular-weight fonts; (2) the main text is distinguished from bibliographic entries by using a serif font for the former and a non-serif for the latter; and (3) highlighting has been introduced: for example, boxes, are shaded in legal-pad yellow; tables in pale blue; and examples of passages censored in the Chinese translation of the manual are underlined in green.


Fifth edition: 'Updated throughout with more than 100 pages of new material and reset in easily readable fonts, the Fifth Edition of Wilkinson’s Manual is the indispensable guide for Sinologists of all stripes. A monumental achievement!' Victor H. Mair (Professor of Chinese Language and Literature, University of Pennsylvania) quoted on the back cover of the Fifth edition (2018).

'A magnificent achievement; the most valuable English-language reference book on China anywhere.' Richard H. Smith (Professor Emeritus of History, Rice University) quoted on the back cover of the Fifth edition (2018)

Fourth edition: 'For any student of China (and at every level), Chinese History: A New Manual is not only a masterful scholarly endeavor, it is also (happily) a real page turner indeed, with captivating insights on every page.'[7]

Third edition: Professor Nappi judged the New Manual (2012), “in every way, absolutely indispensable to work in Chinese history”[2] and journalist and China scholar, Jonathan Mirsky reviewing it in the New York Review of Books judged it to be 'A mighty book..magnificent.'[8]

References and further reading[edit]

  • Mirsky, Jonathan (2013). 'Chinese History a New Manual'. NYR Blog. Also at China File December 10, 2013 link
  • Davis, Chris, (2013) History manual takes scholarship to new level China December 13, 2013.
  • Sivin, Nathan (1975). 'Book Review: The History of Imperial China: A Research Guide'. Journal of Asian Studies. 34 (3): 821–824. doi:10.2307/2052561.
  • Wilkinson, Endymion (2018). Chinese History: A New Manual, 5th edition. Cambridge, MA: Endymion Wilkinson distributed by ISBN9780998888309. The fifth edition is also available as an e-book on the Pleco platform.
  • —— (2015). Chinese History: A New Manual, 4th edition. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Asia Center distributed by Harvard University Press. ISBN9780674088467.
  • —— (2012). Chinese History: A New Manual. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Asia Center distributed by Harvard University Press. ISBN9780674067158. 2nd printing (revised), March 2013; 3rd printing (revised), September 2013.
  • —— (2000). Chinese History: A Manual (Revised and Enlarged). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Asia Center distributed by Harvard University Press. ISBN0674002490.
  • —— (1998). Chinese History: A New Manual. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Asia Center distributed by Harvard University Press. ISBN0674123786.
  • —— (1973). The History of Imperial China; a Research Guide. Cambridge, MA: East Asian Research Center, Harvard University; distributed by Harvard University Press. ISBN0674396804. Reprinted with corrections, 1974; reprinted 1975, 1990, 1992.


  1. ^The Stanislas Julien prize has been awarded annually by the French Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres (founded Paris, 1663) in recognition of outstanding scholarship on Asian culture. In all 120 people and two institutions have received the prize since it was inaugurated in 1875.
  2. ^ abcCarla Nappi, New Books in East Asian StudiesArchived 2014-07-23 at the Wayback Machine University of British Columbia, March 8, 2013,
  3. ^The Chinese-language edition was published by Peking University Press in a boxed set of three volumes under the title Zhōngguó lìshǐ yánjiū shǒucè 中國歷史研究手册 and widely reviewed, for example by Shàn Yǐngwén 单颖文 who wrote a long profile of the author and the book in Wenhui Xueren 文汇学人 (Wenhuibao 文汇报), Shanghai, 2017/3/10, pp. 2-8;
  4. ^Wilkinson (2018), p. xv-xvi.
  5. ^Wilkinson (2018), p. xv.
  6. ^Wilkinson (2018), p. xvi.
  7. ^Eric Croddy, [1] access date = August 8, 2015
  8. ^Mirsky (2013).

External links[edit]

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According to a recently published report of the U.S. Congressional Research Service, the United States and the People’s Republic of China (‘China’) expanded economic ties substantially over the past three decades. Total U.S.-China trade rose from $5 billion in 1981 to $503 billion in 2012.i China is currently the United States’ second-largest trading partner and third-largest export market.ii The mutually beneficial trade relationship between China and the United States is growing increasingly complex due to the rapid pace of economic integration.

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At the same time, U.S. national security concerns are at a high-water mark. U.S. technology transfers to China under U.S. export control laws receive increasing scrutiny from enforcement authorities. Significant civil and criminal penalties result from violating the confusing patchwork of U.S. export control laws, which control the possession, trade, and export of controlled items and technology. U.S. export control compliance is particularly important for companies involved in the aerospace, automotive, defense, information technology, telecommunications, and software industries.

U.S. export control laws have an extraterritorial reach, leading to the prosecution of foreign persons located abroad. The sentencing on December 20, 2012, of Xun Wang, a former managing director of PPG Paints Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., to one year in prison for violating U.S. export control laws illustrates this point.iii Whether the U.S. exporter is a U.S. parent company of a Chinese subsidiary or an existing or recently acquired U.S. subsidiary of a Chinese parent company, the same concerns apply.

This article explores the purposeful tailoring of certain aspects of U.S. export control laws to regulate exports of controlled items to China.

U.S. International Traffic in Arms Regulations (‘ITAR’)

ITAR controls the export from the U.S.of controlled items classified as defense articles, defense services, or technical data covered by the ITAR’s U.S. Munitions List (‘USML’).iv U.S. export control laws under ITAR primarily affect the defense and aerospace industries.

Despite its name, the USML broadly covers many items other than munitions, such as rockets and associated technology, tanks and military vehicles, surface and submersible naval war vessels, special naval equipment, aircraft and associated technology, military electronics, optical and guidance equipment, chemical and biological agents, satellite, spacecraft systems, and associated technology. The Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (‘DDTC’) approves the export from the U.S. of defense articles and defense services, and technical data covered by the USML.

U.S. defense article exports to and from U.S. and China

For national security reasons, U.S. policy is to deny licenses and other approvals for ITAR-covered USML item exports to (and imports from) China of defense articles, defense services, and technical data.v Obtaining an export license from the DDTC for the export of U.S. defense articles, defense services, or technical data to China is prohibited.

Chinese defense article imports to the U.S.

The U.S. prohibits imports of Chinese defense articles into the U.S. if the item is covered by the United States Munitions ‘Import’ This list is a subset of the USML and applies to imports into the U.S. rather than exports. It should also be noted that China has its own system of export controls for weapons of mass destruction (‘WMD’) related goods and technologies.

Shipment by Chinese vessels, aircraft, and other transport

Shipment of U.S. defense articles licensed for export on any vessel, aircraft or other transport owned, operated by, or leased from a Chinese location is prohibited.vii Each ITAR export control license issued by the DDTC has end-user limitations, which limit use to specified end-users and limit further diversion or transhipment to other end-users. Since 1990, the DDTC has operated the ‘Blue Lantern’ end-use monitoring programviii which monitors the end-use and transhipment of U.S. defense articles, defense services, and technical data subject to ITAR export controls.ix DDTC enforcement personnel conduct Blue Lantern checks abroad to identify and investigate transactions and controlled items that appear to be at risk of further diversion or transhipment to prohibited destinations. Specifically, the DDTC enforcement personnel check for the diversion or transhipment of ITAR-controlled items to China from the foreign destination originally licensed for export.

Chinese companies should be careful to note that Chinese operations, their foreign personnel, their development activities, and resultant defense articles produced may become subject to ITAR export controls through any use of (a) U.S. components, services, or technology controlled under ITAR, or (b) foreign personnel possessing or having access to these controlled items. Chinese companies with any U.S. operations or U.S. market presence should engage in careful planning and coordination to ensure that their Chinese operations, their foreign personnel and their transactions with the U.S. do not become subject to U.S. export controls under ITAR.

Export Administration Regulations (‘EAR’)

Because of their specific technical capabilities, certain commercial-based systems, equipment and components; test, inspection and production equipment; materials; software; and technologies may be covered by the U.S. Commerce Control List (‘CCL’) and subject to export controls under EAR. Unlike ITAR export controls, EAR-based export controls affect all industries, including aerospace, automotive, information technology, telecommunications, and software industries. The Bureau of Industry and Security (‘BIS’) is charged with controlling and approving the export of those items covered by the CCL.

Current EAR section 744.21(a)(2) requires a license prior to shipment to China of items intended for “military end-use.”x However, on April 16, 2013, the BIS published a Final Rule (effective October 15, 2013) amending the EAR to create a new ‘600’ series of military items on the CCL (i.e., items tagged as military).xi The 600 series identifies items of military significance to the U.S.xii As before, an export control license from the BIS will be required prior to shipment to China of items within the 600 series. The BIS has a strong presumption of denial of export control licenses for items within the 600 series that make a direct and significant contribution to Chinese military capabilities.

Non-600 series items subject to EAR export controls are generally eligible for export to China upon procurement of an export control license from the BIS or upon qualifying for a particular EAR license exception. The availability of an export license or license exception depends upon the specific item covered by the CCL and the reasons for control. The reason for imposing export controls under EAR for controlled items exported to China include U.S. national security interests; non-proliferation of chemical and biological weapons; non-proliferation of missile technology; maintenance of regional stability; nuclear nonproliferation; and, to a lesser extent, for China, syndicated crime control.xiii Even some select EAR-controlled items on the CCL are eligible for export to China without an export control license or license exception. A determination of whether an EAR export license or license exception for exports to China is required. This determination is performed on a case-by-case basis.

China-specific license policy for EAR-controlled items

It is important for Chinese companies to note that the BIS has developed a specific licensing policy for certain high-technology exports to China. On one hand, this China-specific license policy facilitates exports to trusted companies in China. On the other hand, it imposes additional licensing requirements for exports to China of items controlled by EAR.

a) Validated end-user program for exports to China

The BIS has a validated end-user (‘VEU’) program. This program facilitates exports of items controlled by EAR to trusted companies in China. Pre-screened Chinese companies may qualify for, and receive, VEU designation from the BIS. Thereafter, the Chinese company may receive U.S. exports and certain EAR-controlled items without EAR export licenses. The BIS publishes a list of approved Chinese validated end-users.xiv Requests for VEU designation are prepared and submitted to the BIS for consideration.

b) Additional licensing requirements for exports to China

The BIS imposes additional China-specific licensing requirements on a targeted list of items covered by the CCL (‘target list items’) that, though commercial, have the potential to contribute to China’s military modernization. This list of items, 30 in all, covers 20 product categories and associated technologies and software.xv These China-specific licensing requirements impose stricter end-use controls on EAR-controlled technologies comprised of, or usable with, aircraft and aircraft engines, avionics and inertial navigation systems, lasers, depleted uranium, underwater cameras and propulsion systems, certain composite materials, and some telecommunications equipment.xvi

Furthermore, Chinese companies receiving target list items must provide U.S. exporters with PRC end-user statements as specified under the EAR.xvii Exporters must obtain an end-user certificate from the PRC Ministry of Commerce (‘MOFCOM’) for any export that requires a license to China that exceeds $50,000 in total value.xviii PRC end-user statements help facilitate the BIS’s ability to conduct end-use checks on exports of controlled articles and technologies to China. Also, if the exporter knows that the export is destined for military end use in China, the exporter must obtain a license.xix Thirty-one items are subject to this military end-use requirement, and are identified by their export classification control number (‘ECCN’).xx The BIS will deny any license where the export will make a material contribution to the PRC’s military capabilities contrary to U.S. national security concerns.xxi

BIS China office

The BIS issues EAR export control licenses with end-user limitations, which limit use to specified end-users and limit further diversion or transhipment to other end-users. Like the DDTC Blue Lantern program, the BIS staffs special agents overseas as export control officers (‘ECOs’) in Beijing and Hong Kong to ensure compliance with the end-use license limitations in EAR export control licenses issued by the BIS.

Joseph D. Gustavus is a partner in the Troy office of Miller Canfield where he advises clients primarily in the automotive, defense, aerospace, software and information technology sectors on corporate and export control matters. +

Recent export control prosecutions involving China

The following are some recent prosecutions of companies and individuals for exports of U.S. items and technology to China in violation of U.S. export control laws.xxii

  • May 30, 2013: A Chinese citizen pled guilty in the Eastern District of New York for attempting to export weapons-grade carbon fiber from the United States to China. The carbon fiber is a high-tech material used frequently in military, defense and aerospace industries, and which is therefore closely regulated. The defendant will face up to 20 years in prison and a fine of up to $1 million.xxiii
  • January 17, 2013: A U.S. district court in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania sentenced a U.S. national to 42 months in prison, three years’ supervised release and a $1,000 fine for exporting 57 microwave amplifiers from the U.S. to customers in India and China without an export control license. This investigation was conducted by the BIS under suspected EAR export control violations.
  • December 18, 2012: The Department of Justice (‘DOJ’) indicted two Chinese nationals for alleged export and money-laundering violations in connection with efforts to obtain dual-use programmable logic devices (‘PLDs’) having possible military applications from the United States for export to China. The FBI investigated the case in cooperation with the BIS.
  • December 6, 2012: A U.S. national was arrested on an indictment for allegedly using his U.S. company, Dahua Electronics Corporation, to export rocket nozzle coatings and other goods controlled under the ITAR to China. He also exported microwave amplifiers controlled under the EAR to China by falsely stating that the goods were destined for an educational institution in New York, rather than military uses in China. This investigation was conducted by the BIS and FBI under suspected EAR export control violations.
  • December 5, 2012: The BIS charged a U.S. national for EAR export control violations for causing the export of sensitive U.S. carbon fiber from the U.S. to Belgium and then causing the illegal transhipment of the sensitive carbon fiber to China.
  • December 3, 2012: The BIS charged a Chinese company, China Nuclear Industry Huaxing Construction Co., Ltd., for export control violations under EAR for engaging in the transhipment of sensitive U.S. high-performance coatings from China to a nuclear reactor in Pakistan.
  • October 4, 2012: The DDTC charged a Chinese national for export control violations under ITAR for illegal weapons trafficking and exporting multiple shipments of firearms from the U.S. to China.
  • September 26, 2012: The DOJ convicted a Chinese national for export control violations under ITAR for taking export-controlled technical data on military technology from a U.S. employer to China on his laptop without a U.S. export control license.
  • July 24, 2012: The BIS charged a Singapore company, which then entered into a settlement agreement and agreed to pay a fine of $110,000 for export control violations under EAR, for engaging in the transhipment of sensitive U.S.-origin technologies to two Chinese nationals in China.
  • June 28, 2012: The DDTC filed charges against United Technologies subsidiaries (Pratt & Whitney Canada and Hamilton Sundstrand), which pled guilty to criminal charges under ITAR and agreed to pay a fine of $75 million for helping China develop a new attack helicopter by providing electronic engine control software.
  • May 23, 2012: The BIS charged a Chinese national who was a sales manager at MKS Instruments Shanghai, Ltd., a Chinese subsidiary of a U.S. company, for causing millions of dollars of sensitive pressure-measuring sensors to be exported from the U.S. and delivered to unauthorized end-users by using export licenses fraudulently obtained from the BIS.

i Wayne M. Morrison, Cong. Research Serv., RL 33536, China-U.S. Trade Issues 2 (2012).

ii Id.

iii Press release, Dep’t of Justice: ‘Former managing director of PPG Paints Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., sentenced to a year in prison for conspiring to illegally export high-performance coatings to nuclear reactor in Pakistan’ (December 20, 2012).

iv 22 C.F.R. § 121.

v 15 C.F.R. § 126.1(a).

vi 27 C.F.R. § 447.21.

vii 15 C.F.R. § 126.1(b).

viii Defense Trade Controls Compliance, End-use monitoring of defense articles and defense services commercial exports (2012).

ix Id.

x 15 C.F.R. §744.21(a)(2).

xi Amendment to the International Traffic in Arms Regulations: Initial Implementation of Export Control Reform, 78 Fed. Reg. 73, 22740 (April 16, 2013) (to be codified 22 C.F.R. pts. 120, 121, and 123).

xii Id.

xiii 15 C.F.R. § 738.

xiv 15 C.F.R. § 748.15, § 748 Supplement No. 7.

xv 15 C.F.R. § 744.21, § 744 Supplement No. 2.

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xvi Id.

xvii 15 C.F.R. § 748.10.

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xviii 15 C.F.R. § 748.9(b)(2).

xix 15 C.F.R. § 744.21.

xx Id. § 744.21(a).

xxi Id. § 744.21(e).

xxii See: Summary of major U.S. export enforcement, economic espionage, trade secret and embargo-related criminal cases, Department of Justice (February 2013).

xxiii Press release: Department of Justice, Cyber-sting nets Chinese national in attempt to export sensitive defense technology (30 May 2013).

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